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The Adjustment

The Adjustment

The Chiropractic Adjustment is a specific, intentional movement of a particular spinal bone for the purpose of reinvigorating the brain and opening the channels of communication between the brain and the body. Every chiropractor brings his or her

own method to the adjustment. Drs. Billingsley & Luckett work together to ensure the highest level of care for each person.


Recent research documented that after every adjustment, the brain increases its level of activity. An increased level of activity in the brain is beneficial because it demonstrates increased communication between the brain and body, which supports healing in all of the body’s systems.

As an example, if the liver is not producing enzymes correctly, after a chiropractic adjustment, the brain would start a healing process where the liver would start to self-correct. Regular chiropractic adjustments are proactive in that they stimulate this communication and self-correction, often before any symptoms of dysfunction appear.

If you have only been adjusted privately in the past, our shared chiropractic adjustment room in Covington, Georgia might take you by surprise. Our patients tell us that they learn from us as we are counseling and adjusting other patients, and that they learn from each other. In that way, the shared adjustment room becomes an educational environment, a place to make new friends, enjoy positive energy and witness healings and restoration of health – yours and others.

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