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Getting you back to health and happiness!


     & Luckett

Neuro-Based Chiropractic Care

30+ years of experience

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Dr. Billingsley & Dr. Luckett


We founded Billingsley-Luckett Chiropractic Life Center in 1985, and since then we have participated in the healing and recovery of thousands of people. Chiropractic doctors, just as medical doctors and other professionals, are not interchangeable. We all vary widely from individual to individual in our level of skill, knowledge and expertise. We believe it’s wise and worthwhile to entrust one’s health only to the best practitioners. So when we use the term ‘chiropractor’ or ‘chiropractic,’ we are referring to our caliber of chiropractic care: We’ve consistently obtained excellent results for patients of all ages, from all walks of life, from all over the world, with all kinds of challenges over the course of 30 years in business. Based on those results, you can rest assured you’ve found the best.

Consider the Difference Regular Chiropractic Care Could Make in Your Life.

How would your life change if you could Rewire Your Health? That’s what we call it when a person receives regular chiropractic care that unleashes the body’s self-healing properties by invigorating the brain-body connection.
You might be pleasantly surprised at the possibilities!
Based on the typical kinds of results that our chiropractors achieve for patients on a regular basis, here are some of the possibilities you could consider:

  • What would life be like if I could sleep deeply all night?

  • What could I enjoy more of if I only had more vitality and energy?

  • What would life be like if I didn’t have diabetes or high blood pressure?

  • How would I feel if I did not have to take this drug or these medications?

  • How would it feel if my body could do what I wanted it to do?

After reading that list, we hope you are glimpsing the depth of healing that can occur when you receive regular chiropractic adjustments.
Dozens of people walk through the front door of the Billingsley and Luckett Chiropractic Life Center every day in order to receive the highest quality of chiropractic care available in the Conyers-Covington area of Georgia.



Above our front door are written the words: “Enter to Get Well.”

As highly experienced chiropractors, those words embody our invitation to everyone whose health is not what they wish it could be. Thousands have accepted our invitation, walked through our doorway, and received healing, recovery and a new level of vitality that restores their ability to enjoy life.


What about you?

What kind of a difference could chiropractic care make in your life?
Some of our patients describe the difference chiropractic care has made in their lives like this:

“Since treatment I am very much improved physically as well as mentally.” ... Brenda

“I had been told that there was no hope for me, that I would be in a wheelchair forever. I tried not to believe it, but the evidence was all too real that I would never walk again… After ONE week of Billingsley & Luckett Chiropractic’s specialty work, I was out of the wheelchair for periods of time. I went back to Australia, and after traveling to other chiropractors found out that I needed to come back to America and have the Drs. Luckett and Billingsley work on me again !” ....Phoebe

“I can play golf again!”... John

“I’m enjoying my kids now and I can even play wrestle with them on the floor!” ...Steve


When you come to the Billingsley and Luckett Chiropractic Life Center, you are standing at the threshold of better health. We have the ability and experience to walk you back to health, and unleash the self-healing powers of Intelligent Life Force within your brain and body. We call it “rewiring your health” and we are experts at it.
So open up fully to the possibilities, and be one of the thousands of individuals who will accept our invitation and cross our threshold.
Our goal is to deliver excellent chiropractic care to our patients, and to inspire each person to live his or her healthiest lifestyle. A chiropractic adjustment is the art of chiropractic in motion; the science refers to the understanding and application of the principles behind it. We commit to being great at both and we invite you to “Enter to Get Well” and discover for yourself the difference that regular chiropractic care can make in your life.



Neuro-Based Chiropractic  Adjustments

The Chiropractic Adjustment is a specific, intentional movement of a particular spinal regions for the purpose of reinvigorating the brain and opening the channels of communication between the brain and the body. Every chiropractor brings his or her own method to the adjustment...

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Infant care is a specialty

Infant care is a specialty that is gentle, loving and highly effective. All three of the doctors have received specialty training in infant care that is based on years of development. The birth process can often leave a baby with something out of alignment, which can...



For faster patient recovery

We find that recovery comes even faster for our patients who receive deep tissue muscle therapy. This is often necessary because throughout our lives we have a variety of injuries that create scar tissue in our bodies. Scar tissue can decrease the injured area’s range of motion. For example,...

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Good nutrition cannot be overstated

The importance of good nutrition cannot be overstated when it comes to creating and supporting best health. It used to be that we could simply eat the wide variety of food that was available to us and our bodies would naturally obtain the nutrients it needed to...

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Absolute Health Club and International Health Coaching

We live in a world that tells us ‘take a pill,’ ‘get a shot,’ ‘have surgery’ and many other messages that rob us of true health. In addition, the level of chemical toxicity in our food, homes, shops, cars and backyards can be overwhelming to our immune systems – unless you know better.  Our Absolute Health Club…

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Weekly classes

Accurate information is empowering; ignorance and misinformation are disempowering. Many causes of illness and disease we can trace directly back to the health myths and misinformation being disseminated to the masses. This misinformation has led to commonly held beliefs and practices that undermine health on a daily basis…

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The NeuroInfiniti Stress Response Evaluation

The NeuroInfiniti Stress Response Evaluation is relatively new technology that is a one-test measure of total health. The test produces a report that provides unique insight into a person’s overall ability to function, and is extremely useful and informative. However, the NeuroInfiniti is…

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About Our New Patient Forms


Filling out our new patient forms is easy. Just click here for the new patient form and be sure to click the ‘SUBMIT’ button at the end. It will immediately be downloaded to our office, and unless you’ve been in an accident, there will be no additional paperwork to complete when you arrive for your appointment. If you have been in an accident, we will need you to complete some additional paperwork at the office. Click here for new patient forms

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